Earthquake, tsunami in the Solomon Islands
Description of Event
Media provisionally reported 18 dead and 20 wounded.
Images and/or Image Products Delivered under the Charter Tsunami in the Solomon Islands
SPOT-5 image, Ranongga Island, preliminary damage assessment
Source: Spot-5 (pan-sharpened), resolution 2.5m.
Acquired: 07/04/2007
Initial damage assessment, coast of Ranongga Island. Possible tsunami-affected settlement areas have been classified into 3 types: 1) Possible Severe Building Damage (symbolized in red); 2) Possible Building Damage (in yellow); and 3) Building Damage Unlikely (in blue). Cloud cover has been symbolized to help highlight areas along the coast that have not been assessed for damage. Credit: Copyright CNES 2007; GIS Data: GIST, USGS, CGIAR, NASA, GEBCO. Image processing, map created 13/04/2007 by UNOSAT
SPOT-5 image, Simbo Island Island, preliminary damage assessment
Source: Spot-5 (pan-sharpened), resolution 2.5m.
Acquired: 07/04/2007
Initial damage assessment, coast of Simbo Island. Possible tsunami-affected settlement areas have been classified into 3 types: 1) Possible Severe Building Damage (symbolized in red); 2) Possible Building Damage (in yellow); and 3) Building Damage Unlikely (in blue). Cloud cover has been symbolized to help highlight areas along the coast that have not been assessed for damage. Credit: Copyright CNES 2007; GIS Data: GIST, USGS, CGIAR, NASA, GEBCO. Image processing, map created 12/04/2007 by UNOSAT.
Formosat-2 image, Kolombangara IslandSource: Formosat-2 (pan-sharpened), resolution 2m.
Acquired: 06/04/2007
Potentially affected local settlements along a portion of the western coast of Kolombangara Island. Settlement areas have been classified into two groups: those close to the coast and less than 10m in elevation (marked in red), and those above 10m and/or more than 250m from the coast (marked in blue). Because of limitations of spatial resolution and relevant pre-disaster imagery, a preliminary damage assessment was not conducted for this area. Credit: Copyright NSPO 2007; GIS Data: GIST, USGS, CGIAR, NASA, GEBCO. Image processing, map created 11/04/2007 by UNOSAT.
Solomon Islands, , Quickbird, Ghizo Island Damage
Source: QuickBird (pan-sharpened), resolution 0.6m .
Acquired: 05/04/2007
Initial damage assessment, Ghizo Island using post-disaster QuickBird satellite imagery. 1) Building Damage (in red) for areas of likely damage to buildings and infrastructure; 2) Coastal Flooding (in yellow) for areas of identified as likely inundated and possibly eroded; and 3) Standing flood waters (in blue) for areas of visible water likely caused by the tsunami. Credit: Copyright: Digital Globe 2007; GIS Data: PDC, GIST, USGS, CGIAR, NASA. Image processing, map created 08/04/2007 by UNOSAT.
Solomon Islands, , Quickbird, Gizo Town Damage
Source: QuickBird (pan-sharpened), resolution 0.6m .
Acquired: 05/04/2007
Initial damage assessment, main town of Gizo (Ghizo Island) using post-disaster QuickBird satellite imagery. Tsunami-affected areas have been classified into 3 types: 1) Building Damage (in red) for areas of likely damage to buildings and infrastructure; 2) Coastal Flooding (in yellow) for areas of identified as likely inundated and possibly eroded; and 3) Standing flood waters (in blue) for areas of visible water likely caused by the tsunami. Credit: Copyright: Digital Globe 2007; GIS Data: PDC, GIST, USGS, CGIAR, NASA. Image processing, map created 07/04/2007 by UNOSAT.
Pre-Crisis imagery, Simbo Island Island
Source: Landsat-5, resolution 30m .
Acquired: 06/24/1989
Pre-crisis Landsat 7 image of Simbo Island as well as coastal areas 10 meters or less in elevation (marked in red) potentially affected by the tsunami (approximation; may not represent all low-lying coastal areas under this height). Credit: Credit: USGS 1989; GIS Data: GIST, USGS, CGIAR, NASA, GEBCO. Image processing, map created 06/04/2007 by UNOSAT.
Source: Landsat-5 (pan-sharpened), resolution 15m.
Acquired: 19/01/2001
Pre-crisis Landsat 7 image of Ghizo Island as well as coastal areas 10 meters or less in elevation (marked in red) potentially affected by the tsunami (approximation; may not represent all low-lying coastal areas under this height). Credit: Credit: USGS 2001; GIS Data: GIST, USGS, CGIAR, NASA, GEBCO. Image processing, map created 06/04/2007 by UNOSAT.
2004 Population Density, Solomon Islands, Islands; New
Source: SRTM dataset, resolution 90m.Acquired: 19/01/20012004 population density in earthquake and tsunami-affected areas of the Solomons, with two focus maps covering the New Georgia, Treasury and Shortland Island groups. Credit: Credits GIST, NGA, USGS, GEBCO 2004-2007. Image processing, map created 02/04/2007 by UNOSAT.
Potential Tsunami-AffectedAreas, Solomon Islands,Islands; New Georgia, Treasury and Shortland groups
Source: SRTM dataset; Landscan 2004, resolution 90m.
Acquired: Areas 10 meters and less in elevation potentially affected by the tsunami along the coast of the New Georgia and Treasury Islands, Solomon Islands. Credit: Credits GIST, NGA, USGS, GEBCO 2004-2007. Image processing, map created 02/04/2007 by UNOSAT.
2004 Population Density, Coastal Areas, Choiseul Island
Source: SRTM dataset; Landscan 2004 , resolution 90m (SRTM).
Top: areas 10 meters and less in elevation (marked in red) potentially affected by the tsunami along the coast of Choiseul Island. Bottom: estimated population density in people per square km. in 2004, Choiseul Island. Credit: Credits: GIS: GIST, NGA, USGS, GEBCO 2004-2007. Image processing, map created 03/04/2007 by UNOSAT.